Plays on social skills
When you see red | To counter bullying | ||
Les règlements à l'école |
School rules: It's better to take them laughing than crying | On the rules of life, for better group life | ||
Face à face |
Face to face | On the respect of one and others differences | ||
Ce n'est pas de ma faute |
It's not my fault | On rights and responsibilities | ||
Il y a du moi là-dessous |
There in some of me under there | On self-esteem | ||
Further information | |||||
Contact |
A youngster endures freely the verbal and physical attacks from a few classmates. We then see his reactions, his feelings, his powerlessness and his disarray. We also look to the effects and causes of these situations, as well as the ways of reacting when faced with bullying, to group phenomena, to insecurity and to power.
Lateness, roughhousing, responsibilities, neatness, politeness, respect, and many other aspects of everyday life are explored in a dynamic, powerful and humorous manner to raise childrens awareness of the necessity of basic rules at school. Sustaining basically, that the rules of life are everywhere, different consequences are raised demonstrating the need to establish and observe basic laws founded on the respect of group life. Student participation is largely solicited.
Ariane boasts a confrontational attitude and easily ridicules all who are different. She affiliates herself to a group of students her age who impose their laws and dictate to all how they should be. But little by little, she feels stuck in this dangerous power; no longer free to assert herself. She is dragged through a blur of restrictions, prejudices and conflicts. She then realizes that she must adopt a more open attitude that will allow her to accept who she is, to become welcoming to others and allow all to be enriched by their differences.
Emilie and Vincent are child-kings. They worry very little about the effect of their behaviour at school and at home. They do not hold their promises, are demanding, irresponsible, and manifest little to no empathy for others. Their stubbornness at times brings them results, but over time, it turns against them. The two protagonists will then be confronted to become aware of their wrongdoings and to reflect on the important values of helping others, empathy and justice.
A child of today, living in an high paced era of consumerism and of ease believes he will become rich, handsome and famous without any effort. He is rapidly disillusioned by a more realist friend who entices him to develop the joy of self empowerment to reach ones goals. A step by step effort will need to be made but with perseverance, he manages to improve himself and to obtain results. This makes him proud and gives him hope for the future.
Kindergarten to Grade 6
French as a
First Language
French immersion
Health and Life Skills
Fine Arts
Social studies
Educational guides, complementary
educational activity journal or booklet, documents for parents.
Students will be aware of the impacts of their actions and their words in
the everyday life at school and in the community. They will have the tools
to resolve conflicts and feel better about themselves. They will develop
perseverance, empathy and respect.
The performances are done in a gym or in a
room chosen by the school. The space required is 10 meters X 10 meters. The
same amount of space must be added for the students. All equipment is
provided by the Atelier Bleu M'ajjjiiik .
+ or - 135
students per show
Set up : 2 hours
Take down: 2 hours
Show: 60 to 70 minutes
Atelier Bleu
Majjjiiik performances are available in Quebec and Canada from September to
To be
determined according the needs of the school
Atelier Bleu M'ajjjiiik
173, rue Gariépy
Lévis, Québec
(418) 831-3774
Site Web de l'Atelier Bleu M'ajjjiiik